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Apollo Bassae Infrastructures Project Cornell


Image> Temple Studies, AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova,  Eduardo Teran.


Valeria Vilanova

Eduardo Cilleruelo Teran


Cornell University, AAP

On Monuments

Design Studio by Ana Paula Ruiz Galindo


Fall, 2022

An auxiliary structure was added in order to make the works possible. Every column weighs thirteen tons (the same as sixteen medium cars) The tent no longer works as a tent. The ruin is not a ruin. Operations swicth the site into a building. Fire supression systems and water deposits are underway in order to keep the canopy fully operational. The textile condition of the building -which was thought to be opened during the summer seasonfaces the future as a necessity. These in-between spaces are areas of technological and logistic growth. Conservation works relies on bacteria researches to fill the cracks of the columns in order to prevent the deterioration. There is industry and science behind the ruin. The temple absorbs the progress as a payment for being safe.

Apollo Bassae Cornell AAP Project

There is a framework in boundaries. How the site touches the temple? How Bassae lives with the temple? What are the implications once we know there is a temple there?

We have a desperate passion for protecting it inmediately. But we do not know exactly why. And this, creates a distinguishible atmosphere.

Image> Temple Studies, AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova,  Eduardo Teran.

Apollo Bassae Cornell AAP Project

Image> Exploded diagram,  AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova,  Eduardo Teran.

Apollo Bassae AAP Project Cornell

Whatever the case, the canopy faces its own agenda.Textiles seek for replacement constantly, and the economic impact of preserving a templeseems double with the effort of preserving a canopy as well. The container becomes the content. The shelter limits the spectrum. There is no margin for expansion, neither contraction. It static, it timeless. It is a replacement.

Image> Ruin and monument, rendering, AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova,  Eduardo Teran.

Temple Project Apollo Basae AAP Cornell

Image> Canopy intervention, rendering AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova,  Eduardo Teran.

Temple Publication (Cornell AAP)

The temple is not only in the shape of a building.It is scattered through the terrain. It is composed by endless pieces waiting to be observed, studied and placed in their rightful position. Or abandoned. Now they inhabit a transition period between preservation positions. The temple is bigger.


The temple, never ends.

Image> Booklet publication AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova,  Eduardo Teran.

Temple Publication (AAP)
Temple (Publication) AAP

According to some scholars, the canopy’s columns represent an opportunity to think in a broaden system that can be assembled through this vertical solution. However, the shelter requires this columns to support itself, and later, to cover the temple. There is a great structural effort for only
shape the action of cover.

Image> Booklet publication, AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova,  Eduardo Teran.

Temple Infrastructures

Image> Booklet publication, AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova,  Eduardo Teran.

ARCHIVE displays a collection of design projects, drawings, exhibitions, and media that chronicles my creative evolution and professional contributions as a resource for research, inspiration, and explorations within the field of architecture.

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