Sink or Swim
Design Strategies To Confront Sea Level Rise on the East Coast of the United States
Image> Sink or Swim, AAP, 2022. Documented by Eduardo Teran.
From Introduction,
"The coming years present a pivotal moment in the history of our planet. Carbon neutrality is no longer a best-case scenario for the next decades, but an absolute necessity if we hope to slow climate change. As global leaders negotiate a deal to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, we as designers must prepare for drastic change in the built environment. It is widely understood that it is too late to prevent any sea level rise in the coming decades. According to NASA, “Global sea level has risen by about 8 inches since reliable record keeping began in 1880. It is projected to rise another 1 to 8 feet by 2100. This is the result of added water from melting land ice and the expansion of seawater as it warms.” Humans have pumped too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is too late. That said, there is still hope. We must work quickly and boldly if we hope to mitigate future impacts of climate change, designing our cities to not only save ourselves, but also the planet.
This re-imagining of the American city investigates complex infrastructural shifts while also considering the socio-cultural impacts of a changing way of life. These futures, at times strange and absurd to the average citizen, explore what it means to live in a rapidly changing environment. No longer can we continue to live as we once did. Instead, a new way of community building, economic development, and daily life must occur to adapt to the critical threat the rising sea level presents to our communities.
The climate crisis is a vast and complex problem, one which quickly forms a web of other complicated and seemingly unanswerable questions. Through the explorations to come, we have focused in on a few key factors in re-imagining the coastal city. These include an increase in severe weather, a rise in sea level of up to 5 meters, and shifting climatic conditions. What is not fully considered are some of the tertiary effects of these environmental shifts, including but not limited to a spread of disease, food scarcity, and refugees. Instead, through a series of eight audacious case studies, we can begin to more fully understand the possibilities of such a vast undertaking. This collaborative effort of thirty-two students serves as a framework for the future of determining the fates of coastal communities. Only through intensive teamwork, discussion, disagreement, and resolution can we hope to find innovative and ideas. Though this case study of collaborative design efforts has taken place over a very short period of time, we can only hope that future collaboratives will continue to explore and expand upon the ideas within this volume.
We believe that the creation of the city of tomorrow is dependent on the forethought and imagination of designers today. We believe that climate change must be dealt with boldly, and that reactionary methodology is no longer enough to save coastal communities. We believe in the power of design, data, and imagination to create a more equitable, just, and environmentally aware future. Global leaders must decide here and now, will we sink or swim?"
Greg Keeffe, M.S AAD students
Through a series of Provocations, Sink or Swim aimed the students of Cornell Fall 2021 Studio to develop eight Propositions regarding a series of strategies to confront the Sea-Level Rise in the East Coast of the United States. Beyond our imaginary, these solutions raise questions about how cities will become new landmarks in a post-natural disaster, testing the efficiency of housing solutions or the material and collective response to face such challenges.
The Book was presented in the last Spring 2022 Launch Event at Milstein Hall by Visiting Professor Greg Keeffe and Eduardo Teran on behalf of the M.S AAD class.
Greg Keeffe
Eduardo Cilleruelo Teran
Connor Yocum
Valentina Haro
Noor Abdulkhaleq,
Klytaimnistra Avgetidou
Sijia Chi
Hyun Jun Cho
Jin Kyung Cho
Eduardo Cilleruelo Teran
Yang Du
Xinyue Geng
Valentina Haro
Lulin He
Jason Huang
Shhrruti Jain
Mingfeng Jiang
Ohjin Jo
Minjae Koo
So Min Lee
Tongbi Li
Haotian Ma
Thakan Navapakpilai
Eric Peters
Phasit Rattanachaisit
Sampriti Sheth
Aubrey Sterling
Weijia Sun
Haoyuan Wang
Xingyao Wang
Yunqin Wang
Ziqi Wang
Chuyi Wu
Fanghong Xu
Connor Yocum
Xiaobai Zhao
Cornell University
AAP, Fall 2021 Studio
Greg Keeffe
ISBN: 978-0-9972602-6-7
Cornell Print Services, Cornell University.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Image> Sink or Swim, AAP, 2022. Documented by Eduardo Teran.
Image> Sink or Swim, AAP, 2022. Documented by Eduardo Teran.
Image> Sink or Swim, AAP, 2022. Documented by Eduardo Teran.
Image> Sink or Swim, AAP, 2022. Documented by Eduardo Teran.
Image> Sink or Swim, AAP, 2022. Documented by Eduardo Teran.
The Zone addressed the possibilities of replication,encouraging other cities and exclusivity economic areas to implement floating solutions to have a chance of surviving after the change of our ground level. Atlantic City is fighting since decades to survive, and with this spirit, The Zone is the consequence of how
we will bring these demands into live after the storm.
Image> Intemperie, Material Studies. AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova, Eduardo Teran.
Across the years, the macro-settlement will change, adding new hanging structures or developing more economic operators. How do we imagine the gambling after the sea level rise? The leisure city will emerge as a spotlight in the middle of nowhere, between the regulations of the mainland and the freedom of the international waters.
Image> Intemperie, Material Studies. AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova, Eduardo Teran.
Image> Intemperie, Material Studies. AAP, 2022. Valeria Vilanova, Eduardo Teran.