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Data Prototypes

Exhibitions from



Data Prototypes,Exhibition of Models, Eduardo Teran


Eduardo Cilleruelo Teran


Cornell University

College of Architecture, Art and Planning (AAP)


Fall 2023

Student Work:

Valeria Villanova

Veronica Paulon

Juan Agustin Rivera

Ipek Temizkan

Matthew Wilson

Nandini Mohan

Marcos Emiliano Escamilla
Haoechen He
Jeeya Savani, Zifan Wang Arvin Haocheng 

Gurun Yang 

Anthony Zheng

Austin Couch
Trang Minh Nguyen


Exhibition work, Data Prototypes, Eduardo Teran


Data Prototypes: Visual Narratives showcases nine projects developed during the fall 2023 elective course Infrastructural Seeds: Data Centers in the Era of Ultrareal (ARCH 3308/6308/6509) taught by Design Teaching Fellow Eduardo Cilleruelo Terán. The work explores frameworks on the juxtaposition between data centers and architectural bodies, combining theory-driven scenarios and visual languages. Data storage becomes an embodied critical object to keep institutions, companies, and all layers of information-exchange elements operatable, fluctuating and modifying the mirror between our digital and physical entities. The question here leads to a series of tactics and strategies positioning data prototypes as hyper-technological objects in a variety of contexts, addressing multiple scales on territorial relationships, resource sharing, automatization, and labor. 

Antigravitas, sculpture> Data Tactics, Eduardo Teran.

From the understanding of a dependence system — between technology and society — the works investigate the opportunities of data centers to appear, to operate, and to survive alongside technological aesthetics and architectural atmospheres using rendering tools. Data Prototypes opens a conversation on how data centers are changing the built scenario and what the formulas are in which they become new monumentalities of our near future, with a step in between fiction-making and critical thinking.


Exhibition work, Data Prototypes, Eduardo Teran.


Exhibition work, Data Prototypes, Eduardo Teran.


Exhibition work, Data Prototypes, Eduardo Teran.


Exhibition work, Data Prototypes, Eduardo Teran.

ARCHIVE displays a collection of design projects, drawings, exhibitions, and media that chronicles my creative evolution and professional contributions as a resource for research, inspiration, and explorations within the field of architecture.

All image rights reserved to authors, contributors and collaborators.

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